P*ssed off! The best way to describe how I felt after watching my boss talk himself (read as "me") into more work.
I was in a client meeting, and we were discussing our fee. The client asked a simple question - whether we could reduce our fee quote. Last time we worked with this client, we seriously under-costed the work; this time around, we were more realistic about work and cost. And therefore, the simple answer to the client's request should have been "no".
And in fairness, at first, that was the answer given. But then the client said nothing. He just looked at us, a half-smirk appearing on his face. Two seconds, four, eight, 15. Then the dreaded thing happened: my boss began to justify. And in justifying, he ended up negotiating with himself. Before long, we had reduced the fee by 30% and committed to an extra 25% of work - I was surprised we hadn't offered the client dinner at the most expensive place in town, plus a free shoe-shine and toilet brush! Ok, so I'm still bitter...
But the moral of the story is, say what needs to be said, then stop. Extra words do not help, instead they get you in a tangled mess. Awkward silences shouldn't be awkward, they should give you time to think of the next topic to discuss. Failing that, just sit there.
Silence is golden.