Work-life balance is flavour of the month. Everyone's talking about it. Some claim to have it, others are working towards it. And firms are developing policies around it.

So what's all the hype about and how do we share in it? Here's a blog that hopes to help you figure out your personal path to balancing the burden of work with the whole point of being on this wonderful spinning rock: living!

29 August 2008

All work and no play...

The creative side of the brain is an interesting one. And not a side us finance sorts often get to exercise. But I try to - and my chosen medium is photographs.

In defiance of the stereotype, I decided to collaborate with a close friend of mine - also a keen photographer - and self publish a book. With the help of, she and I have pulled together photographs that capture the (hopefully) unique aspects of Asia that we have had the privilege of glimpsing during out travels. Our mission: to showcase Asia's rapid modernisation in contrast with the elegance and dignity that it retains in its traditions.

Whilst an unashamed plug for our book, this post is also intended to encourage the fellow workaholics out there to step away from their blackberrys and to exercise the other side of their brains.

We hope you enjoy our book - you can see more of it here.

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